Explain the Causal Model of the Use of Internet Technology by Employees of the National Bank of Shiraz, According to Subjective Norms, Governmental and Institutional Support

Document Type : Original Article


1 Psychology, Department of Psychology and Educational Science, Literature and Humanities Faculty, Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran

2 Management, Department of Management, Literature and Humanities Faculty, Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran


Background Customers have not completely welcomed the use of e-banking. This study investigated the causal relationship of the use of Internet technology according to subjective norms, governmental and institutional support. Methods This study is a relative-description based on members of staff of the National Bank of Shiraz randomly selected from a cluster of 260 homes. The (PU) and (PEOU) questioner was used for perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The BI and BU questioner was used for behavior usage and behavior intention. finally, social norms (NS), government and institute support (GS and IS) were used. The validity and reliability of all was evaluated by Cronbach’s (alpha) and factor analyzer. The structural equation modeling was achieved using LISREL software (8.8 version) for data analysis. Results The results show that SN has direct effect on PU and PEOU, and a direct effect on BI and BU. PU. Also, PU has direct effect on BI and PU, and indirect effect on BU. GS has direct and indirect effect on BU. IS has direct effect on PU and indirect effect on BI and BU (P < 0.001). Conclusions In general, the proposed model enables managers to strategically frame their service about factors which utilize the internet directly or indirectly.


Volume 6, Issue 4
December 2015
  • Receive Date: 15 July 2015
  • Revise Date: 17 December 2015
  • Accept Date: 24 December 2015
  • Publish Date: 24 December 2015