Aims and Scope

Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences (IJVLMS) aims at promoting and enhancing the quality of e-learning in formal and non-formal education. IJVLMS publishes research and scholarly articles concerned with electronic education and distance learning. The journal accepts Original Articles, Reviews, Special Reports, Brief Reports, Short Communications, News, Software article, Commentaries and Letters to the Editor. Papers in the following areas will be considered for publication:


Online learning and distance education

Studying current trends and future developments in open, distance, blended, and distributed learning, and online education.

Emerging technologies in learning

Evaluating new technologies developed to enhance the learning process, ranging from internet and web-based applications to Collaborative Software, Intelligent Tutoring System, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Simulation, etc.

E-course development and instructional design

Designing and implementing effective instructional modules and curriculums that can be applied in virtual settings and meet the learners’ concerns and preferences.

Social Networks

Analyzing the ever-growing role of social media platforms in education and innovative methods to integrate them in online and physical educational settings.

Learning analytics and electronic assessment

Exploring various methods of traditional and on-line assessment for quality assurance, evaluation and validation of e-learning.

Social, cultural, economic and political aspects of e-learning

Looking into the impacts of digital learning on people's lives and outlooks and the new opportunities it presents to different communities worldwide.

E-learning in medical education

Studying the efforts in medical sciences to promote healthcare by utilizing educational technology, virtual learning environments, and online courses.

Aims of the journal concerning the mentioned areas include:

• Creating the basis for the promotion of knowledge and research in e-learning
• Publishing research articles and analytical presentations to advance the production of scientific knowledge
• Advocating electronic learning in higher education
• Encouraging researchers to expand scientific research in the field of e-learning
• Creating suitable foundations for exchanging information on e-learning
• Introducing academics and experts in virtual education and publishing their findings
• Developing and promoting e-learning programs in medical education

Papers focusing on educational research will not be considered for publication unless at least one of the above areas is effectively reflected in their statement of objectives or research design.