Assessment of the Student Satisfaction Level of University Performance (Case Study: Ardabil University of Medical Sciences)


1 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabili, Iran

2 Medical Faculty Medical Sciences University of Ardabil, Ardabili, Iran

3 Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Employed in the Management of Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies in Medical Sciences University of Ardabil, Iran


Background : Every organization, which is a provider of services or products, is always responsible for seeking the client’s comments as feedback in order to identify the shortcomings. On the basis of such comments, organizational plans can go through growth and improvement phases. The present study, from the point of view of client tendency, is aimed at measuring the rate of satisfaction of students of Ardabil University of Medical sciences with faculties, educational management, student-cultural management, and counselling units. Methods : As many as 705 students from all faculties of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences participated in this descriptive study. The main instrument for data collection was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were examined and approved by the face validity method and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.816). In the first step, data was investigated through descriptive statistical methods, while independent t-test and ANOVA analysis were used in the next stage to determine the difference between group comments. Results : The results indicate that in terms of student satisfaction, the following dimensions have gained a higher score than average: colleges (female: 4.13 and male: 4.09), educational administration (female: 4.01 and male: 4.5), and counselling centre (female: 3.39 and male: 3.35). Also, student cultural management indicated a below-average satisfaction score (female: 1.85 and male: 1.99). Conclusions : Student dissatisfaction with the practices of student-cultural management and the counselling unit is a shortcoming, which requires the people in charge to take necessary measures to improve the quality of affairs.


Volume 7, Issue 3
September 2016
  • Receive Date: 02 February 2016
  • Revise Date: 16 September 2016
  • Accept Date: 30 September 2016
  • Publish Date: 30 September 2016