Setting up the Structure and Process for E-Content Development

Document Type : Letter to the Editor


Department of e-Learning in medical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


I am writing to thank you for publishing the interesting article titled: “The effect of Social Networks and Short Messages through e-Content on Reducing Negative Thoughts in Women”(1). In this article the authors have first developed an e-content and then accomplished the intervention. In this regard I should mention that nowadays, using e-contents in different kinds of education including mobile-based or webbased, synchronous or asynchronous are the necessities in educational settings. It is a pleasure that Iranian universities are taking steps toward the use of technology in their educational research, but these steps should be wisely in line with standards and qualifications. One of the most important components of e-learning discipline is e-content because, on the one hand, without content no education is imagined (2), and on the other hand, inappropriate content can disturb audience learning (3).


Razmgah P, Mojtahedzadeh R, Borjaliloo S, Mohammadi A. The Effect of Social Network and Short Messages through E-Content on Reducing Negative Thoughts in Women. Inter Discip J Virtual Learn Med Sci. 2016;7(4):1–7.
Ferdig RE. Assessing technologies for teaching and learning: understanding the importance of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Br J Educ Technol. 2006;37(5):749–60.
Istrate O. Visual and pedagogical design of eLearning content. E-learning Pap. 2009;17.
Volume 10, Issue 4
December 2019
Pages 78-80
  • Receive Date: 16 December 2019
  • Revise Date: 29 December 2019
  • Accept Date: 30 December 2019
  • Publish Date: 01 December 2019