The Assessing the application of Information Technology in Education and itsInfluence on Productivity in Islamic Azad University


Azad University of Andimeshk, Andimeshk, Iran


Introduction: This study was done in Islamic Azad University of Andimeshk, in order to determine how and to what extent the application of internet, intranet, and extranet technology in education has influenced Staff productivity. Materials and Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental and cross-sectional study determined to be applicable in practice. Descriptive and inductive statistical methods were applied using SPSS software, version 12. All 86 University Staff were selected to participate in this study. A questionnaire was used as the research tool with a reliability of 89%, estimated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Moreover, the confidence level was estimated to be 95% with an acceptable error of 5%, using t test and the Chi square test. Results: Analysis results showed that the application of internet, intranet, and extranet has a considerable influence on staff productivity (p≤0.000). The results showed that there is no significant difference between the use of internet, intranet, and extranet in the staff's productivity and all of these technologies are effective in educating staff members with respect to productivity. Conclusion: These methods are influential in staff productivity. The more professional and academic training staff receive, the more productive they will eventually become.
