Survey of Students’ Feeling of Presence of E-learning Courses and its Relationship with Students’ Attitude toward E-learning Courses in Iran’s Higher Education System


Department of Education, Education & Psychology Faculty, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.


Introduction: Factors affecting student attitudes is an important factor influencing their educational success. This study is aimed and designed to survey the students’ feeling of presence and its relationship with attitude toward virtual course.Methods: This study uses descriptive statistical methods to devise correlations. The sample population includes professors and students of the following universities: Amir Kabir, Elmo san’at, Khaje Nasiroddine Toosi, Olumo Hadis. In the quantitative analysis, 650 individuals were selected through accidental categorical methods. The information was collected by means of the questionnaire “presence feeling and attitude toward virtual environment”. Data was analyzed by inferential and descriptive statistics by means of SPSS.Results: The results showed that the students had higher than middle presence of feeling and are in low levels with regard to real feeling and participation. There was no correlation between a feeling of presence and the students’ gender but a correlation between feelings of presence the university that they attend was evident, and varied for each university.
Conclusion: According to the results and the sense of presence on the attitude of students, attention to student presence in electronically environments is so necessary.


Volume 6, Issue 3 - Serial Number 22
September 2015
Pages 1-7
  • Receive Date: 09 April 2015
  • Revise Date: 21 July 2015
  • Accept Date: 20 September 2015
  • Publish Date: 20 September 2015