Qualified Instructors, Students' Satisfaction and Electronic Education


1 Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Iran.

2 Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the degree of the students' satisfaction from electronic education and the degree of observing morality and vocational qualifications by the faculty members of electronic education from the students' viewpoints.Methods: The present study was applicative and it was conducted through descriptive-survey method. The statistical population was all virtual education students ( N=550) in Isfahan University and the nursing and midwifery group of Isfahan medical sciences. The statistical sample was estimated 226 and they were selected by random clustering sampling method. The information was collected via the researcher-made questionnaire with 60 items. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated 0.94 through Cronbach alpha coefficient. The data analysis was conducted through mean, percentage and standard deviation at descriptive level and mono-variable t-test, variance analysis, and Pearson correlation coefficient at inferential level.Results: The results showed that the degree of the students' satisfaction from electronic education was 2.65. Moreover, the achieved mean regarding the degree of observing morality and vocational qualifications by the faculty members was 3.24. Further, the results indicated that there was a significant and direct relationship between the students' degree of satisfaction and the degree of observing vocational morality by the faculty members of electronic education. In examining the difference between the students' satisfaction from virtual education according to demographic factors, the results showed that just the age factor was effective P < 0.01.  Conclusion: The results of the current study, along with other conducted research, have indicated that there are relation between students’ satisfaction with the rate of observing professors’ morality and vocational qualifications. This means that there should be more instructions about ethical professional issues. More ethical and moral workshops and seminars are suggested.


Volume 6, Issue 3 - Serial Number 22
September 2015
Pages 31-39
  • Receive Date: 22 April 2015
  • Revise Date: 08 August 2015
  • Accept Date: 19 September 2015
  • Publish Date: 19 September 2015