The Role and Influence of “Clip Thinking” on the Educational Process in Higher Medical Institutions

Document Type : Letter to the Editor


1 Scientific Research Institute “Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Culture of Health”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2 State Establishment “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine”, Dnipro, Ukraine


Information technology has strengthened the role of information, leading to the fact that modern society has reached a new stage of development – information. A fundamentally new way of communication and information broadcasting called the “screen culture” is emerging. The information society influences the society of people, their training and management processes. This influence is transforming our thinking, and therefore such concepts as “human-screen”, “clip thinking” and “clip consciousness” appear more often in the academic literature. In connection with the informatization of education, there are risks of losing the creative culture-generating ability of entire generations. If the older generation still retains other forms of perceiving the information provided (comprehension, comparison, analysis, criticism, etc.), the younger generation, especially students, are rather inclined towards the dynamic and mosaic “clip”, and receiving, processing and generating visual information, primarily educational.


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Volume 11, Issue 1
March 2020
Pages 61-64
  • Receive Date: 16 February 2020
  • Revise Date: 19 February 2020
  • Accept Date: 22 February 2020
  • Publish Date: 01 March 2020