Article Types / Short Communication

Short Communication

Short Communications are concise pieces of original research, intended to communicate a timely and significant observation or development in ICT-based education. These articles may report the application of an innovative method, or time-sensitive findings of an impactful research that has not yet been fully analyzed. They are accompanied by a Cover Letter that should contain a convincing statement about the significance and timeliness of the work. Submitted papers will be subject to a rigorous peer review process.

The format of a short communication should be as follows:

  • Abstract (100-200 words, without subheadings)
  • Keywords (3-10 keywords)
  • Main Text (2500 words, contains the section headings of an original research)
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Funding/Support
  • Availability of Data and Materials
  • References (Vancouver style)

A short communication article includes a maximum of 3000 words (including references), 3 tables/illustrations, and 30 references.