Comparison of Flipped Classroom and Conceptual Map on Students’ Deliberate Practice Study Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Saveh University of Medical Sciences, Saveh, Iran

2 School of Allied Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Student Research Committee, Saveh University of Medical Sciences, Saveh, Iran

4 Student Research Committee, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran


Background: The most important goal of educational systems is to increase learners’ learning and improve their quality, especially in the field of health due to direct relation with people’s lives. Use of active teaching methods such as flipped classrooms and conceptual map are suggested for increasing communication skills, participation, creativity, and critical thinking of students. On the other hand, deliberate practice is an active study method that leads to informed learning and deep understanding of the content. Objectives: In order to cultivate and develop learning skill, the present study is aimed at comparing the effect of teaching through flipped classroom and conceptual map on deliberate practice study approach in students of operating room technology and anesthesiology in 2017. Methods: It was a quasi-experimental study with the aim of comparing flipped classroom and conceptual map on deliberate practice study approach of undergraduate students of operating room technology and anesthesiology in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery in Saveh University of Medical Sciences. In this method, sampling was not used and all the population entered the study. Sixty students randomly divided into two groups of flipped classroom and conceptual map. Duvivier deliberate practice study approach questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (t-test, paired t-test) by SPSS 21 software. Results: There was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test means of the students in two groups (P > 0.001). Comparison of pre-test and post-test means of deliberate practice study approach and its components between the flipped classroom and conceptual map showed a significant difference (P < 0.001). Also, the greatest difference between flipped classroom and conceptual map is related to the planning (P < 0.001) and study style or self-reflective (P = 0.004) variables. Conclusions: Considering that conceptual mapping and flipped classrooms influenced students’ deliberate practice study approach, it is possible to plan for the use of these two methods in medical and paramedical students’ education system.


Volume 10, Issue 1
March 2019
Pages 1-10
  • Receive Date: 11 October 2018
  • Revise Date: 10 January 2019
  • Accept Date: 14 January 2019
  • Publish Date: 01 March 2019