Identifying Effective Factors on Acceptance and Establishment of Mobile Learning in Virtual Training Center for Academics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 Social Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran


Background: Learning and instructing have been evolved through expanding the information and communication technology in recent years for fundamental changes. Mobile learning is the newest form of learning which is the use of mobile and portable tools in learning and teaching process. The mobile learning is favorable to all learners in institutes, universities, and especially in academic virtual training center because of lack of time and space limitation. The present study aimed to identify the factors which affect the acceptance and feasibility of mobile learning in virtual training center for academics.
Methods: In the present study, we used the literature review method. It is used in international and national database such as Irandoc, Magiran, SID, Noormags, tandf online, Eric, Science direct, and google scholar. Through searching keywords such as mobile learning, performing, and feasibility in related articles in 2010 to 2022, we finally selected and examined 32 articles related to selective criteria.
Results: The findings showed that technical, technological and infrastructure, aesthetical, attitudinal, cultural, social, economic, and legal factors should be taken into account to establish and promote the mobile learning in virtual training center for academics.
Conclusion: It is concluded that if the mentioned infrastructures and factors are provided, mobile learning would be used effectively in virtual training center for academics. Meanwhile, the function of mobile learning indicates that authorities all over the world are trying to design and apply instructional systems with regard to the present needs


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Volume 13, Issue 3 - Serial Number 50
September 2022
Pages 190-201
  • Receive Date: 22 July 2022
  • Revise Date: 15 August 2022
  • Accept Date: 29 August 2022
  • Publish Date: 01 September 2022