The Effect of Two Online Versions of Etymological and Nonetymological-based Games on Vocabulary Learning and Retention of Iranian Language Learners: An Educational Intervention

Document Type : Original Article


Department of TEFL and English Literature, Payame Noor University, (PNU), Tehran, Iran


Background: Vocabulary learning is of paramount importance in language learning. Thus, effective ways of teaching new words are sought after by language teachers. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of three techniques of vocabulary teaching on learning and retention.
Methods: Initially, 80 upper intermediate female learners of Iran Oxford institute in Tehran participated in this one sample time series quasi-experimental study. Based on the Oxford Online English -Vocabulary Level Test, 37 learners were qualified. In Summer 2021, they took part in the first phase and received the routine treatment. The same students took part in the first experimental group and received the non-etymological-based online game, although only 33 students turned up. In the last stage, the number of participants reduced to 30; therefore, the data analyses were done with 30 students. After each stage, a posttest and a delayed posttest (taken from Building English Vocabulary with Etymology from Latin) were administered. One way ANOVA and Scheffe’s Test were run to compare the groups.
Results: The results indicated that the etymological game group outperformed (M=13.16, SD=1.17) the non-etymological (M=12.00, SD=2.33, P=0.04) and control groups (M=11.10, SD=1.53, P<0.001). Moreover, the difference between the non-etymological group and the control group was significant (P=0.048). In the delayed posttest, a significant difference was detected between the etymological game group and the control group (P<0.001). Besides, the etymological game group gained a significantly higher mean score mean score (M=12.40, SD=1.83) than the non-etymological game group (M=9.93, SD=1.99) (P<0.001). However, the non-etymological game group did not significantly outperform the control group (P=0.915).
Conclusion: The results of post- and delayed post-tests indicated that the etymological game group had the best result followed by non-etymological game group.


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